Friday, October 06, 2006

Not my week :(

This hasn't been as bad as some other weeks in the past year or so, but there have been enough niggling little things that make me glad it's over. (Yes, I know that it ain't over till it's over, but....)

My watch - a gift from Librarians' Internet Index when I tallied a certain number of pages - stopped. I thought it might be the battery, so I looked up a jewelry store in the area. The owner, or whoever it was, took the back off and somehow determined that the damage was more than the battery. He behaved as if he was doing me a big favor by looking at the watch.

I wound up going to the Glendale Galleria. Thee's a store in that mall, Keeping Time, which I try to patronize. I decided the watch was dead, and bought a new one.

On my way to work yesterday, I tripped on a paving stone and fell. Fortunately, the only damage I have is a scraped knee and grass stains on my pants. I couldn't get up until a nice man came along and helped me. (No one at work noticed anything, which figures.)

When I got to work, I realized I had left my wallet at home. I was, however, able to get some money from the credit union, which meant I ate a more nutritious lunch than a bag of popcorn.

Today I left my watch at home, which I didn't notice until I was half-way to the bus stop.

If I had a brain, I'd be dangerous. :)


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